Интернационални проекти

KnowHub – Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity

KnowHub is a project financed by Erasmus+ that aims at development of sustainable relationship between universities and economy in Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro). This cooperation will encourage further development of research and practical teaching capacities in the involved universities, will increase the international competitiveness of enterprises, as well as provide…


Workshop for capacity building for SMEs and start-ups in the Innovation hub in Ohrid

For the purposes of the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC-area” (INNOV8), as part of the IPA program for pre-accession assistance by the European Commission represented by the Delegation of EU in the Republic of North Macedonia, there was a presentation by PhD Radmil Polenakovik and PhD Borislav Nestoroski about “Capacity Building in SME-s and…


Open call for expert for building capacities for the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”

The National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL) announces a call for an expert for the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”, with reference number EuropeAid/152956/DD/ACT/MK, funded by the European Commission, represented by the Delegtion of European Union in Skopje. Detailed informations about the expert position and the required…


Open call for experts for the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”

The National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL) announces a call for an expert for the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”, with reference number EuropeAid/152956/DD/ACT/MK, funded by the European Commission, represented by the Delegtion of European Union in Skopje. Detailed informations about the expert positions and the required…


Vacancie part-time working engagement on the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”

In order to successfully implement the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)” the Fund for innovations and technology development needs to recruit: Senior Innovation Hub Officer Ohrid Interested candidates are invited to submit their CVs on English language which should also contain a review confirming theur eligibility for the stated requirements. The…


Innovation Hub Ohrid grand opening ceremony and official announcement call for sub-grants for companies from the southwest region

The Fund for innovations and technology development in cooperation with the National center for development of innovation and entrepreneurial learning, on 07.06.2019 in Ohrid officially opened the Innovation Hub, within the Faculty of tourism and hospitality in Ohrid. At the same event, the public call for sub-granting newly established enterprises “start-up” and “spin-of” from the…


Public call for financing projects for newly established “start-up” and “spin-off” companies in the southeastern region of RSM as part of the project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)”

The project “Innovation Eco-System in the CBC area (CBC INNOV8)” consist in the establishment of innovation support infrastructure for transfer of know-how technologies among Start-Ups and SMEs in the CBC areas between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania, implemented by FITR, National center for development of innovation and entrepreneurial learning (NCDIEL), EuroPartners Development and…


Потпишување на меморандум за соработка и работилница за иновациски екосистем во Охрид

На 17.05.2019 на Факултетот за Туризам и угостителство во Охрид, се потпиша меморандум за соработка помеѓу универзитетот „Св. Климент Охридски” во Охрид и универзитетот „Fan S. Noli” во Корча како симбол на официјално започнување на соработката помеѓу универзитетите поврзани со новотрворените иновациски центри. Меморандумот за соработка беше потпишан во присуство на проектните партнери од Република…


Состанок на засегнати страни во Охрид- Проект: CBC INNOV8

На 25.01.2019 на Факултетот за угостителство и туризам во Охрид се одржа состанок на чинители со цел спроведување на препораките од анализите на иновацискиот потенцијал во областа и зајакнување на комуникацијата помеѓу засегнатите страни. На состанокот беа презенитрани досегашните резултати од проектот како и идните активности од кои се издвои отварањето на Иновациски ХАБ. Детално…


Отворен повик за експерт/консултант за проектот „Иновативен еко систем во прекуграничната област“

Националниот центар за развој на иновации и претприемачко учење (НЦРИПУ) Скопје, објавува повик за поднесување на понуди за Senior Innovation Expert за проектот „Иновативен еко систем во прекуграничната област“ со референтен број EuropeAid/152956/DD/ACT/MK финансиран од Европската комисија, претставена од Делегацијата на Европската унија во Скопје. Сите заинтересирани кандидати треба да испратат CV, финансиска понуда, изјава…
