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We are happy to announce that on March 4-5 , 2021, all partners of the project Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems took part in the Kick-off meeting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online on Zoom platform. The project consortium is composed of 13 partners from 8 countries: Serba, Greece, France, Austria, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of North Macedonia.

The meeting was led by prof. dr Goran Stojanović from University of Novi Sad, Serbia, who is responsible for overall coordination of WBC-RRI.NET.

Although Western Balkan countries (WBCs) have improved in terms of R&I performance, research and innovation efforts should be further enhanced for bridging the remaining ‘gap’ with the rest European regions. The RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) principles will act as enablers to the shared learning and diffusion of R&I governance innovations at the territorial level and this in turn can lead to enhancing R&I planning, including the existent or upcoming Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the WBCs.

All project partners fully agreed with project’s action plan that will help to achieve the already set objectives.

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